Thirsty Grounds

Thirsty Grounds, 2012
(Törstande urgrund)

bronze, metal threads and colored latex, 2x3x3 – 7x6x8 cm

The small hyper-realistic sculptures of this series are inspired by moss and lichen from overgrown pieces of wood. The artist is interested in humanity’s ambivalent and sometimes exoticising relation to nature. The fascination for wilderness on the one hand and massive exploitation on the other. In this depicted natural scenery we can sense the fractal similarities of a thriving tropical island and a piece of overgrown bark. The glimmering bronze upscales the value of this ”dead wood”, the fuel of fungal networks and a crucial part of the worlds biodiversity.

The last image is an installation view from the exhibition Med känsla för Grönt at Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg 2018.



Close Studies


Beyond Breath